What is Pediatric Teletherapy?

I still remember the first time I heard about Teletherapy (sessions via video); It was about 5 years ago and a coworker was talking about doing it part time for speech therapy. My first instinct was, how does that help kids?! 

Many things that happened in 2020 seemed unimaginable to our 2015 selves, but here we are! There are many pros to teletherapy, I can’t say it’s for everyone but for many families it allowed for a closer educational relationship with the therapist. A huge part of Occupational Therapy focuses on training parents and families to assist their child progression, and doing teletherapy facilitated that. 

So let’s go though some activities for great (middle school aged) teletherapy sessions!

  • Meme writing: You can share  a funny picture to start. They can work on typing or writing, and it also works on executive functioning.

  • Online Games: 




  • Escape Room: You can share a google doc, powerpoint or a word document. Some activities can be solving trivia, gross motor activities, fine motor activities, locating items. 

  • Fantasy Sports Team: This is great for kids that are into sports, they can choose players. Names and stats can be listed on a shared word document. They can also add mascot, colors, uniforms, stadium name if they like. 

  • Virtual Field Trip: The student can choose country, landmark or venue to tour. They can add pictures and videos to a google slide or power point and present to Field Trip Participants (OT, teacher, family members). 

  • Newsletter: On a shared document, the student can research a topic (ex: sports trivia, gaming tips, recipes) and write a report.

If you need more ideas or you would like to schedule a consult, please email us at smplytherapy@gmail.com.


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OT for Newborns