How to Help Your Little One Wear Masks During COVID-19

Wearing masks has quickly become a norm in today’s world due to COVID-19, this may feel odd for adults, and especially the little ones. Facial masks are not required for children under 2 years old, but that leaves a good amount of kiddos that may not understand how to adapt and feel comfortable with their mask. Here are a few things to consider when preparing for the necessary food shopping, or errand;

There are a few reasons your child may have difficulty wearing the mask

  1. Anxiety - the sensation of airflow is different and may feel like they are suffocating. This is tricky because masks that protect your child will have a thicker threshold for them to breathe into.

  2. Sensory processing - the feeling of the mask on their face and ears may cause discomfort. 

  3. Visual input - If your child wears glasses, they may fog up, and the mask reduces the visual field for looking down. 

  4. Smell - I think we’re all a little more conscious of our breath when it’s our only source of air. 

Here are some tips

  • To address the anxiety I would recommend a social story (example provided at the end of the article)

  • Show pictures with family and friends with masks

  • Talk calmly but directly about the importance of the mask prior to outing

  • Play with a stuffed animal and have them putting the mask on them

  • You may use a visual timer at home to increase time with mask on

  • Don’t force the mask!

  • Brush teeth before leaving the house, or have a mouth freshener handy

  • If your child wears glasses, he may benefit from putting a piece of tissue between bridge of nose and mask to reduce fogging up

  • If you’re handy with sewing, you can sew buttons on a hat or headband as a secondary option to looping at the ears. Some are available online. 

  • When picking a mask for your child- opt for a soft (possibly cotton) fabric, allow them to choose the fabric if available. 

  • Add the mask to a costume! Make it fun with a halloween costume you might have handy and wear other parts of the costume. Maybe even add a piece of candy for a temporary spring halloween.

  • Some kids may be adverse to smells, but you can try adding a calming essential oil to a small piece of cloth to place inside the mask

  • Use of a fidget may help to keep hands busy and redirect focus on something else

For those with medical conditions like Epilepsy, seeing changes in facial expression is essential for distinctive pre-seizure facial expressions. For those children they may be medically exempt by a physician. There are also some masks sold with clear sections at the mouth if that is what their parents prefer. 

For those on the Autism Spectrum or with Sensory Processing Disorders, children may have an especially difficult time with masks. This is due to increased sensitivities for the way their body processes clothes and new experiences. The important thing is to not force the mask, try some of the tips above to help transition, start with the social story, have them play with a stuffed animal to put the mask on them.

Social Story by Autism Little Learners-

If you have more questions, we are always here to help. Email us at or book a session!


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